Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Just Can't Quit You Yet

I'll admit, TV and I haven't been getting along too well lately. Not since the writers' strike went and completely through my viewing schedule off. Not since I realized there was life outside of that glass screen. And not since I remembered my love for Buffy and Gilmore Girls thanks to my box sets. Usually at this time of year, I'm constantly updating EW and TV Guide's websites, waiting for confirmation of my shows' renewals. A year ago, I was cursing the CW for ending my beloved Veronica Mars. This year, I could care less what shows made it. Hell, I could care less what happened on any show, what character suddenly got the axe.
That is, until I watched House.
The two-part finale was everything I love and missed about television. The storyline, the twists and turns, and the incredibly painful ending. This may have been the only show that benefitted from the Writers' Strike. Regardless of how uneven the season was as a whole, what with the cast shakeups and drawn out team selection, the acting in those two hours may have been the best on television all year. Hugh Laurie, Robert Sean Leonard and Anne Dudek were simply incredible and hopefully at least one of their names will appear on an Emmy ballot.
Here's hoping next season picks up right where this one brilliantly left off. And more importantly, here's to my renewed love for TV.

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